Saturday, October 23, 2010

Vendredi 22 October

Today I went to The Palace Of Versailles.

King Louis the 14th built the palace in the year 1648 when he started to become King. Versailles replaced the Louvre as the king’s palace. He had 20,000 people stay in the palace. He called himself the Sun King because he lit up everyone’s future.

 King Louis XIV

The palace is the largest palace in Europe.
 The Hall of Mirrors

The Sun King's Chapel

The Apollo Fountain

He had his gardeners build the gardens like mazes. The grandson of King Louis the 14th was King Louis the 16th and he built his queen a chateau where she stayed when she got bored. King Louis the 16th was the king during the French Revolution and he and the queen were beheaded. The Queen of Louis he 14th’s bedroom is cooler than the King’s bedroom. King Louis the 14th’s son was called the Dauphine and he got a tiny bedroom until he left. The Palace was extremely fun and cool and I want to see it again sometime.

I also went to the Arc de Triomphe and took pictures of the Eiffel Tower lit up at night. I climbed 273 stairs to get to the top of the Arc.
The Arc de Triomphe

 The Arc from below
The Arc de Triomphe has three huge arches, there are two on either side

From the top of the Arc De Triomphe you can see all of Paris. The Arc was built by Napoleon to honor his French soldiers and their military victorys. It is also used as the end of the Tour de France bicycle race.


  1. Beautiful, Paris. Keep up the good work.

  2. That Arc is amazing! So much old history there, makes you realize how young our history is here. And buildings that last so many centuries, I love it.


  3. great pictures, I loved the horse fountain at Versaille. What a sweet little country getaway Mr Louis had built for his bored Marie Atoinette! It seems like you are in the midst of the Fraternite, Egalite, Liberte revolution right now with all the protests going on. Maybe you have already figured out that the one reason to go to a Macdonalds is that they have free wifi! We are still waiting to hear more about the food and pastries. We are loving getting to follow you on your trip. Thanks for doing such a great blog, Kira and Mari-Claire

  4. Very nice pictures Paris and great commentary!
