Saturday, October 30, 2010

Jeudi 28 October

Today we drove to Nice, and I was reading in the car and I’m not supposed to read in a moving car but I did anyway and I got a headache. We have learned that one place with free internet access in France is McDonald’s, so for a few blog posts we had to go to McDonald’s to have wifi. My dad said that I should mark that on my calendar, the day he was looking for a McDonald's.  After the headache we went for a walk on the beach and picked up cool rocks, shells, and pieces of beach glass. 

Then we went to look for the Chagall and Matisse museums. There was a huge political protest march against retirement reform that lasted hours and we couldn’t get to either of the museums so we went to get our swim suits on and go swimming.

Then we went back to our flat with one last  stop at McDonalds so that I could post my blog. When we got to our flat I ate dinner and went out like a light.

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