Saturday, October 30, 2010

Mercredi 27 October

Today we drove the Mediterranean coast from Cannes to Saint Tropez and found huge rocks that you can hop on in the water. 

Before that I went swimming at the beach in Cannes and that was one of the sandiest beaches I have ever seen. 

Then we went to get ice cream in St Tropez and along the beach and my mom found a painting that she liked and bought it. We used the Autoroute to return to Le Cannet, and in France the Autoroutes are like interstate highways in the USA, except they are toll roads. When we arrived at our exit my dad thought he only had a fifty Euro note, and the toll machine won’t accept anything larger than a twenty, but at the last minute he found the last coins he needed and we got away! Then we went back to our flat and ate dinner and went to bed.

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